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Shane N. Sweet, Ph.D.

Professeur agrégé, Département de kinésiologie et d'éducation physique, Université McGill
Chercheur régulier, CRIR–Hôpital juif de réadaptation, CISSS de Laval

Téléphone : 514 398-4184 (09903)

Télécopieur : 514 398-4186

Courriel : [email protected]


  • B.A., psychologie (Honneurs), Université d’Ottawa, 2004
  • Ph.D. psychologie expérimentale, Université d’Ottawa, 2011
  • Stage postdoctoral, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, 2011
  • Stage postdoctoral, CIRRIS-IRDPQ, 2012-2013
  • Stage postdoctoral, School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Queen’s University, 2011-2013

Intérêts de recherche

Activité physique, participation sociale, qualité de vie des adultes.

Laboratoire de recherche

Laboratoire de théories et d’interventions en psychologie de l’exercice et de la santé (TIE)

Publications récentes

Sweet, S.N., Brawley, L.R., Hatchell, A., Gainfort, H.L. & Latimer-Cheung, A.E. (2014). Can persuasive messages encourage individuals to create action plans for physical activity? Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 36(4), 413-423.

Sweet, S.N, Martin Ginis, K.A., Estabrooks, P.A. & Latimer-Cheung, A.E. (2014). Operationalizing the RE-AIM framework to evaluate the impact of multi-sector partnerships. Implementation Science, 9, 74.

Sweet, S.N., Latimer-Cheung, A.E., Bourne, C. & Martin Ginis, K.A. (2014). Assessing the research use and needs of organizations promoting healthy living for adults with disabilities. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 4(1), 86-94.

Sweet, S.N., Noreau, L., Leblond, J. & Dumont, F.S. (2014). Understanding quality of life in adults with spinal cord injury via SCI-related needs and secondary complications Topics of Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 20(4), 321-328.

Sylvester, B.D., Standage, M., Ark, T.K., Sweet, S.N., Crocker, P.R., Zumbo, B.D., et al. (2014). Is variety a spice of (an active) life?: Perceived variety, exercise behavior, and the mediatingrole of autonomous motivation. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 36(5),516-527.

Sylvester, B.D., Standage, M., Dowd, A.J., Martin, L.J., Sweet, S.N. & Beauchamp, M.R. (2014). Perceived variety, psychological needs satisfaction and exercise-related well-being. Psychology & Health, 29(9), 1044-1061.

Guérin, E., Fortier, M.S. & Sweet, S.N. (2013). An experience sampling study of physical activity and positive affect: Investigating the role of situational motivation and perceived intensity acrosstime. Health Psychology Research, 1(2), (e21) 100-110.

Sweet, S.N., Perrier, M-J., Podzyhun, C. & Latimer-Cheung, A.E. (2013). Identifying physical activity information needs and preferred methods of delivery of people with multiple sclerosis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 35(24), 2056-2063.

Sweet, S.N., Martin Ginis, K.A., Tomasone, J.R. & the SHAPE-SCI Research Group (2013). Investigating intermediary variables in the physical activity and quality of life relationship in persons with spinal cord injury. Health Psychology, 38(2), 877-885.

Tulloch, H., Sweet, S.N., Fortier, M., Capstick, G., Kenny, G.P. & Sigal, R.J.(2013). Exercise facilitators and barriers from adoption to maintenance in the diabetes aerobic and resistance exercise trial. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 37(6), 367-374.

Axe de recherche

Axe 2

Thème de recherche

Thème 2 - Services, systèmes et politiques

Site de recherche

CRIR – Hôpital juif de réadaptation du CISSS de Laval

Affiliation universitaire