Philippe Archambault, erg., Ph.D.
Professeur agrégé, École de physiothérapie et d'ergothérapie, Université McGill
Chercheur, CRIR–Hôpital juif de réadaptation du CISSS de Laval
Directeur scientifique, projet Société inclusive du CRIR
Téléphone : 450 688-9550 (4832)
Télécopieur : 450 688-3673
Courriel : [email protected]
- B.Sc., physique, Université McGill, 1990
- B.Sc., ergothérapie, Université McGill, 1993
- M.Sc., génie biomédical, Université de Montréal, 1997
- Ph.D., neurosciences, Université de Montréal, 2003
- Postdoctorat, neurophysiologie, Union degli Universitari Roma, Rome, Italie
Intérêts de recherche
Contrôle moteur, aides technologiques, dystrophie musculaire, réadaptation du membre supérieur.
Laboratoire de recherche
Laboratoire des technologies avancées en réadaptation
Publications récentes
Battaglia-Mayer, A., Ferrari-Toriolo, S., Visco-Comandini, F., Archambault, P.S., Saberi-Moghadam, S., & Caminiti, R. (Sous presse 2013). Impairment of online control of hand and eye movements in a monkey model of optic ataxia. Cerebral Cortex.
Archambault, P.S., Tremblay, S., Cachecho, S., Routhier, F. & Boissy, P. (2012). Driving performance in a power wheelchair simulator. Disability and Rehabilitation. Assistive Technology, 7(3), 226-233.
Rahman, M.H., Kittel-Ouimet, T., Saad, M., Kenné, J.P. & Archambault, P.S. (2012). Development and control of a robotic exoskeleton for shoulder, elbow and forearm movement assistance. Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 9(3), 275-292.
Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Kenné, J.P., Archambault, P.S. & Kittel-Ouimet, T. (2012). Development of a 4DoFs exoskeleton robot for passive arm movement assistance. International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation, 2(1), 34-50.
Norouzi-Gheidari, N., Archambault, P.S. & Fung, J. (2012). Effects of robot-assisted therapy on stroke rehabilitation in upper limbs: Systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 49(4), 479-496.
Vafadar, A.K., Côté, J.N. & Archambault, P.S. (2012). The effect of muscle fatigue on position sense in an upper limb multi-joint task. Motor Control, 16(2), 265-283.
Archambault, P.S., Ferrari-Toniolo, S. & Battaglia-Mayer, A. (2011). Online control of hand trajectory and evolution of motor intention in the parietofrontal system. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(2), 742-752.
Maheu, V., Frappier, J., Archambault, P.S. & Routhier, F. (2011). Evaluation of the JACO robotic arm: clinico-economic study for powered wheelchair users with upper-extremity disabilities. IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2011, 5975397.
Rahman, M.H., Kittel-Ouimet, T., Saad, M., Kenné, J.P. & Archambault, P.S. (2011). Robot assisted rehabilitation for elbow and forearm movements. International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics, 1(4), 206-218.
Norouzi-Gheidari, N. & Archambault, P.S. (2010). Absence of equifinality of hand position in a double-step unloading task. Experimental Brain Research, 205(2), 167-182.
Sorrento, G., Archambault, P.S., Routhier, F., Dessureault, D. & Boissy, P. (2011). Assessment of joystick control during the performance of powered wheelchair driving tasks. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 8, 31.
Rahman, M.H., Saad, M., Kenné, J.P. & Archambault, P.S. (2011). Kinematic and dynamic modeling of a robotic exoskeleton for upper-limb rehabilitation. International Journal of Information Acquisition, 8(1), 83-102.
Axe de recherche
Axe 1
Thème de recherche
Thème 2 - Activités physiques et cognitives
Site de recherche
CRIR – Hôpital juif de réadaptation du CISSS de Laval