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Michael J.L. Sullivan, Ph.D.

Professeur, Département de psychologie, Université McGill, Chercheur régulier, CRIR - Centre de réadaptation Constance-Lethbridge du CIUSSS COIM, Directeur scientifique, Centre universitaire de recherche sur la douleur et l'incapacité, Halifax NÉ

Téléphone : 514 487-1891 # 312

Télécopieur : 514 487-4079

Courriel : [email protected]


  • B.A., psychologie (honneurs), Université McGill, 1981
  • M.A., psychologie clinique, Université Concordia, 1983
  • Ph.D., psychologie clinique, Université Concordia, 1988

Intérêts de recherche

Psychologie de la douleur et des incapacités des personnes atteintes de lésions musculosquelettiques; rôle des facteurs psychologiques dans le développement des incapacités chroniques des personnes atteintes de lésions musculosquelettiques

Publications récentes

Scott, W., Trost, Z., Milioto, M. & Sullivan, M.J. (sous presse 2013). Further validation of a measure of injury-related injustice perceptions to identify risk for occupational disability: a prospective study of individuals with whiplash injury. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.

Larivière, C., Butler, H., Sullivan, M.J.L. & Fung, J. (2013). An exploratory study on the effect of pain interference and attentional interference on neuromuscular responses during rapid arm flexion movements. Clinical Journal of Pain, 29(3), 265-275.

Vachon-Presseau, E., Roy, M., Martel, M.O., Caron, E., Marin, M. F., Chen, J., Sullivan, M.J.L., … Rainville, P. (2013). The stress model of chronic pain: evidence from basal cortisol and hippocampal structure and function in humans. Brain, 136(3), 815-827.

Walton, D.M., Wideman, T.H. & Sullivan, M.J. (2013). A rasch analysis of the pain catastrophizing scale supports its use as an interval-level measure. The Clinical Journal of Pain, 29(6), 499-506.

Mankovsky, T., Lynch, M.E., Clark, A.J., Sawynok, J. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2012). Pain catastrophizing predicts poor response to topical analgesics in patients with neuropathic pain. Pain Research & Management, 17(1), 10-14.

Martel, M.O., Trost, Z. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2012). The expression of pain behaviors in high catastrophizers: The influence of automatic and controlled processes. Journal of Pain, 13(8), 808-815.

Martel, M.O., Wideman, T.H. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2012). Patients who display protective pain behaviors are viewed as less likable, less dependable, and less likely to return to work. Pain, 153(4), 843-849.

Morris, L.D., Grimmer-Somers, K.A., Louw, Q.A. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2012). Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the South African Pain Catastrophizing Scale (SA-PCS) among patients with fibromyalgia. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 10(1), 137.

Scott, W. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2012). Perceived injustice moderates the relationship between pain and depressive symptoms among individuals with persistent musculoskeletal pain. Pain Research & Management, 17(5), 335-340.

Sullivan, M.J.L. & Simon, G. (2012). A telephonic intervention for promoting occupational re-integration in work-disabled individuals with musculoskeletal pain. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 2(2), 149-158.

Sullivan, M.J.L., Scott, W. & Trost, Z. (2012). Perceived injustice: A risk factor for problematic pain outcomes. Clinical Journal of Pain, 28(6), 484-488.

Sullivan, M.J.L. (2012). The communal coping model of pain catastrophising: Clinical and research implications. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 53(1), 32-41.

Sullivan, M.J.L., Adams, H. & Ellis, T. (2012). Targeting Catastrophic Thinking to Promote Return to Work in Individuals With Fibromyalgia. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 26(2), 130-142.

Trost, Z., France, C.R., Sullivan, M.J.L. & Thomas, J.S. (2012). Pain-related fear predicts reduced spinal motion following experimental back injury. Pain, 153(5), 1015-1021.

Trost, Z., Vangronsveld, K., Linton, S.J., Quartana, P.J. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2012). Cognitive dimensions of anger in chronic pain. Pain, 153(3), 515-517.

Vachon-Presseau, E., Roy, M., Martel, M.O., Albouy, G., Chen, J., Budell, L., Sullivan, M.J.L., … Rainville, P. (2012). Neural processing of sensory and emotional-communicative information associated with the perception of vicarious pain. Neuroimage, 63(1), 54-62.

Wideman, T.H., Hill, J.C., Main, C.J., Lewis, M., Sullivan, M.J.L. & Hay, E.M. (2012). Comparing the responsiveness of a brief, multidimensional risk screening tool for back pain to its unidimensional reference standards: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Pain, 153(11), 2182-2191.

Wideman, T.H., Scott, W., Martel, M.O. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2012). Recovery from depressive symptoms over the course of physical therapy: a prospective cohort study of individuals with work-related orthopaedic injuries and symptoms of depression. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 42(11), 957-967.

Wideman, T.H. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2012). Development of a cumulative psychosocial factor index for problematic recovery following work-related musculoskeletal injuries. Physical Therapy, 92(1), 58-68.

Gauthier, N., Thibault, P. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2011). Catastrophizers with chronic pain display more pain behaviour when in a relationship with a low catastrophizing spouse. Pain Research & Management, 16(5), 293-299.

Hadjistavropoulos, T., Craig, K.D., Duck, S., Cano, A., Goubert, L., Jackson, P.L., Mogil, J.S., Rainville, P., Sullivan M.J.L. et al. (2011). A biopsychosocial formulation of pain communication. Psychological Bulletin, 137(6), 910-939.

Ialongo-Lambin, D., Thibault, P., Simmonds, M.J., Larivière, C. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2011). Repetition-induced activity-related summation of pain in patients with fibromyalgia. Pain, 152(6), 1424-1430.

Martel, M.O., Thibault, P. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2011). Judgments about pain intensity and pain genuineness: The role of pain behavior and judgmental heuristics. Journal of Pain, 12(4), 468-475.

Sullivan, M.J.L., Adams, H., Martel, M.O., Scott, W. & Wideman, T. H. (2011). Catastrophizing and perceived injustice: Risk factors for the transition to chronicity after whiplash injury. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 36(25 Suppl), S244-S249.

Sullivan, M.J.L., Tanzer, M., Reardon, G., Amirault, D., Dunbar, M. & Stanish, W. (2011). The role of presurgical expectancies in predicting pain and function one year following total knee arthroplasty. Pain, 152(10), 2287-2293.

Vervoort, T., Caes, L., Trost, Z., Sullivan, M.J.L., Vangronsveld, K. & Goubert, L. (2011). Social modulation of facial pain display in high-catastrophizing children: an observational study in schoolchildren and their parents. Pain, 152(7), 1591-1599.

Wideman, T.H. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2011). Differential predictors of the long-term levels of pain intensity, work disability, healthcare use, and medication use in a sample of workers’ compensation claimants. Pain, 152(2), 376-383.

Wideman, T.H. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2011). Reducing catastrophic thinking associated with pain. Pain Management, 1(3), 249-256.

Butler, H. L., Larivière, C., Hubley-Kozey, C.L. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2010). Directed attention alters the temporal activation patterns of back extensors during trunk flexion-extension in individuals with chronic low back pain. European Spine Journal, 19(9), 1508-1516.

Hsieh, A.Y., Tripp, D.A., Ji, L.J. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2010). Comparisons of catastrophizing, pain attitudes and cold-pressor pain experience between Chinese and European Canadian young adults. Journal of Pain, 11(11), 1187-1194.

Martel, M.O., Thibault, P. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2010). The persistence of pain behaviors in patients with chronic back pain is independent of pain and psychological factors. Pain, 151(2), 330-336.

Pincus, T., Smeets, R. J., Simmonds, M.J. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2010). The fear avoidance model disentangled: improving the clinical utility of the fear avoidance model. Clinical Journal of Pain, 26(9), 739-746.

Scott, W. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2010). Validity and determinants of clinicians’ return to work judgments for individuals following whiplash injury. Psychological Injury and Law, 3(3), 220-229.

Sullivan, M.J.L. & Adams, H. (2010). Psychosocial treatment techniques to augment the impact of physical therapy interventions for low back pain. Physiotherapy Canada, 62(3), 180-189.

Sullivan, M.J.L., Larivière, C. & Simmonds, M.J. (2010). Activity-related summation of pain and functional disability in patients with whiplash injuries. Pain, 151(2), 440-446.

Tremblay, I. & Sullivan, M.J.L. (2010). Attachment and pain outcomes in adolescents: The mediating role of pain catastrophizing and anxiety. Journal of Pain, 11(2), 160-171.

Axe de recherche

Axe 1

Thème de recherche

Thème 2 - Activités physiques et cognitives

Site de recherche

CRIR – Centre de réadaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay (site Constance-Lethbridge) du CIUSSS COMTL

Affiliation universitaire