Elin Thordardottir, Ph.D.
Professeure, École des sciences de la communication humaine, Université McGill;
Chercheure régulière et responsable de site, CRIR–Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM), pavillon Laurier, CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal
Téléphone : 514 398-5356
Télécopieur : 514 398-8123
Courriel : [email protected]
- B.A., troubles de la communication, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, USA, 1989
- M.Sc., troubles de la communication, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, USA, 1994
- Ph.D., troubles de la communication, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, USA, 1998
Intérêts de recherche
Mesures d’évaluation du langage; troubles de dévelopement du language
Publications récentes
Thordardottir, E. & Juliusdottir, A. G. (sous presse 2013). Icelandic as a second language: A longitudinal study of language knowledge and processing by school-age children. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
Thordardottir, E. & Brandeker, M. (2013). The effect of bilingual exposure versus language impairment on nonword repetition and sentence imitation scores. Journal of Communication Disorders, 46(1), 1-16.
Macleod, A.A., Sutton, A., Trudeau, N. & Thordardottir, E. (2011). The acquisition of consonants in Québécois French: A cross-sectional study of pre-school aged children. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 13(2), 93-109.
Thordardottir, E.T. (2011). The relationship between bilingual exposure and vocabulary development. International Journal of Bilingualism, 15(4), 426-445.
Thordardottir, E.T., Kehayia, E., Mazer, B., Lessard, N., Majnemer, A., Sutton, A. et al. (2011). Sensitivity and specificity of French language and processing measures for the identification of primary language impairment at age 5. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54(2), 580-597.
Namazi, M. & Thordardottir, E.T. (2010). A working memory, not bilingual advantage, in controlled attention. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13(5), 597-616.
Thordardottir, E. (2010). Towards evidence-based practice in language intervention for bilingual children. Journal of Communication Disorders, 43(6), 523-537.
Thordardottir, E.T., Kehayia, E., Lessard, N., Sutton, A. & Trudeau, N. (2010). Typical performance on tests of language knowledge and language processing of French-speaking 5-year-olds. Canadian Journal of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology, 34(1), 5-16.
Royle, P. & Thordardottir, E.T. (2008). Elicitation of the passé composé in French preschoolers with and without specific language impairment false preview. Applied Psycholinguistics, 29(3), 341-365.
Thordardottir, E. (2008). Language-specific effects of task demands on the manifestation of specific language impairment: a comparison of English and Icelandic. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 51(4), 922-937.
Webster, R., Erdos, C., Evans, K., Majnemer, A., Saigal, G., Kehayia, E., Thordardottir, E. et al. (2008). Neurological and magnetic resonance imaging findings in children with developmental language impairment. Journal of Child Neurology, 23(8), 870-877.
Axe de recherche
Axe 2
Thème de recherche
Thème 1 - La personne, ses proches et la communauté
Site de recherche
CRIR - Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM) du CIUSSS CSMTL