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They were talked about in the media!


Carolina Bottari, Ph.D. et Sylvain Giroux, Ph.D.

Listen to the episode of “COOK : un assistant culinaire sécuritaire” presented in Season 4 of “De la suite dans les idées” on Canal Savoir.

Jocelyn Faubert, Ph.D.

The NeuroTracker Technology:
– RDS, February 1st, 2017: “L’impact du NeuroTracker sur Matt Ryan”
– Radio 91.9 Sports, January 17, 2017: “Jocelyn Faubert : la technologie du NeuroTracker”
– le Soleil, January 9, 2017: “Des élèves plus attentifs grâce au NeuroTracker”

Carole Anglade, Ph.D.(c) in speech-language pathology, Université de Montréal

CRIR student, supervized by Guylaine Le Dorze and Claire Croteau, she gave a radio interview on February 14, 2017 entitled : “Handicap et sécurité routière” at Accès libre on Canal M. Listen to the interview.


Dance-therapy group including Bonnie Swaine, Ph.D.

“Un, deux, trois, et de mieux en mieux : la danse-thérapie” Radio broadcast at Les années lumière on November 6, 2016 on Ici Radio-Canada.

Click here to listen to Myriam Fimbry’s segment (who won the Prix de journalisme en loisir 2017, catégorie radio).

Dahlia Kairy, Ph.D.

“Fauteuil roulant”

See the episode of Électrons libres presented on Tuesday November 1st, 2016 at Télé-Québec.

Eva Kehayia, Ph.D. and Bonnie Swaine, Ph.D.

« Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain » Radio interview with Maxime D.-Pomerleau at Canal M « Ça vaut le détour » on Monday May 2, 2016.

Dany Gagnon, pht, Ph.D. and Mylène Aubertin-Leheudre, Ph.D.

“L’exosquelette de marche”

See the episode of Découverte presented on Sunday April 10, 2016 at Radio-Canada Télé.

Keiko Shikako-Thomas, Ph.D. and Annette Majnemer, Ph.D.

“Une app pour trouver des loisirs aux jeunes handicapés”

Read the article published in the Journal Métro on Wednesday February 17, 2016.


Keiko Shikako-Thomas, Ph.D. in collaboration with Annette Majnemer, Ph.D.

“Montréal Diary: New app helps disabled kids ‘JOOAY’ ”

Read the article, published in the Montreal Gazette, on March 19, 2015 on the app JOOAY that facilitates the integration of activities of children with disabilities and see the interview on CTV Canada AM of March 24, 2015. Keiko Shikako-Thomas is assistant professor at the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy of McGill University and researcher at CRIR-MMRC of the CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal. Annette Majnemer is professor, director and vice-dean at the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy of McGill University and researcher  at CRIR-JRH of the CISSS de Laval.


Marc Roig, Ph.D  

“Le sport, bon pour la cerveau “

Read the article published in the Journal du dimanche (January 2014, nbr 3496) on Dr. Marc Roig’s research studying the beneficial effects of physical exercise on memory. Dr. Marc Roig is an assistant professor at the McGill University’s School of Physical and Occupational Therapy and is a researcher at CRIR. (lien?)

Institut Raymond-Dewar

“Directions des services professionnels et de réadaptation à l’Institut Raymond-Dewar : sa structure et son offre de service” and

“Résumés de quelques recherches en cours au site de recherche IRD-CRIR”

Read the articles at pages 23-28 in the journal Infosurdité of the Montreal School Boards (vol. 2, June 2014) on the professional and rehabilitation services, as well as the research currently being conducted at the Institut Raymond-Dewar. Of the IRD researchers whose research is mentioned, many are CRIR researchers, including Dr. France Beauregard, Dr. François Champoux, Dr. Tony Leroux, Dr. Kenneth Southall, Dr. Elin Thordardottir, Dr. Natacha Trudeau and Dr. Walter Wittich. There are also several associate members of CRIR, Dr. Jean-Pierre Gagné, Dr. Benoît Jutras and Dr. Nathalie Lachance, as well as clinicians/health care professionals, Josée Loiselle, Ève-Julie Rioux and Micheline Vallières. (lien?)

Carole Anglade, Ph.D candidate

“Lauréats et personnalités – Carole Anglade”

Read the article in Dire, the free journal for and by UdeM graduate students, on the background and research on aphasia of Carole Anglade, CRIR student and PhD candidate at Université de Montréal in Biomedical Sciences, under the co-supervision of Dr. Guylaine Le Dorze and Dr. Claire Croteau.

Joëlle Pineau, Ph.D and Robert Forget, pht, Ph.D

“Le fauteuil ami de l’homme”

Listen to the report on Radio-Canada’s show Les années lumières on the revolutionary wheelchair developed by a team led in part by Dr. Pineau and Dr. Forget. Dr Pineau is an associate researcher of CRIR and associate professor of the School of Computer Science at McGill University. Dr. Forget is a CRIR researcher, as well as a full professor and director of the physiotherapy programme of the School of Rehabilitation of the Université de Montréal.

Christian Casanova, Ph.D

“Peut-on détecter des maladies dans les yeux?”

See the video report from the show Une pilule une petite granule on the use of optometry tests to diagnose non ocular diseases. Dr. Casanova is a CRIR researcher as well as professor and director at the School of Optometry of the Université de Montréal.

Dahlia Kairy, Ph.D

“La thérapie par la console de jeu”

See the video report on CRIR-IRGLM researcher Dahlia Kairy’s telerehabilitation project, funded in part by grants received from the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

Debbie Feldman, Ph.D.

“Debbie Feldman : l’évolution tranquille”

Read the article published in February 2014 in the Bulletin du vice-décanat à la recherche et à l’innovation scientifique of the Université de Montréal, volume 3, issue 2.


Eva Kehayia, Ph.D. and Bonnie Swaine, Ph.D.

“Un laboratoire vivant en réadaptation dans un centre commercial”

Read the article published Wednesday, January 23, 2013 in the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec’s official cyberbulletin, Express-O, volume 7, issue 1.

Tiiu Poldma, Ph.D. and Bonnie Swaine, Ph.D.

“L’interaction avec le personnel des commerces : un facteur primordial de participation sociale”

Read the article published Wednesday, January 23, 2013 in the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec’s official cyberbulletin, Express-O, volume 7, issue 1.

Julie N. Côté, Ph.D.

Participated in the segment « Le code Chastenay » # 122 on pain caused by repetitive movements, broadcast on Télé-Québec, Tuesday, January 15, 2013.

Watch the broadcast on line.


Julie N. Côté, Ph.D.

Participated in the segment “Une pilule, une petite granule” # 02 Le travail de bureau rend-il malade?, broadcast on Télé-Québec Thursday, September 20, 2012.

Watch the broadcast on line.

Dany Gagnon, Ph.D.

“Une pilule, une petite granule”

Télé-Québec Television broadcast #193 on spinal cord injury presented on Thursday March 29, 2012.

Watch the broadcast on line.

Julie N. Côté, Ph.D.

“Fitness: Taking a stand at the office”

Read the article published on Thursday February 9, 2012 in The Gazette.

CRIR-Hôpital juif de réadaptation

“Chomedey’s Jewish Rehab is helping make malls friendlier”

Read the article published on Friday January 27, 2012 in the Laval News.

“Adapter les outils aux besoins des patients”

Read the article published on Tuesday January 24, 2012 in the Courrier Laval – Société – Santé.

Eva Kehayia, Ph.D. et Bonnie Swaine, Ph.D.

“Vers un premier centre commercial véritablement adapté aux personnes handicapées”

Read the press release published on Wednesday January 11, 2012 in the UdeMNouvelles.

“Malls adjust to their aging clientele”

Read the article published on Friday January 6, 2012 in The Gazette.  


Carolina Bottari, Ph.D.

“Des erreurs qui en disent long”

Read the article published on Monday November 28, 2011 in Forum, 46(13).

Eva Kehayia, Ph.D. et Bonnie Swaine, Ph.D.

“Le magasinage des Fêtes, tout un défi pour les handicapés”

Read the article published on Friday December 27, 2011 in La Presse.

“Le centre commercial, cible no 1 pour améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes ayant une déficience physique”

Read the article dated October 12, 2011 on SYNAPSE, the blogazine of the Faculty of Medicine of the Université de Montréal.  


Paul Cohen, Ph.D. and Robert Forget, pht, Ph.D.

“Fauteuils roulants de rêve”

Read the article published on Monday June 7, 2010 in La Presse, section Affaires, page 8. (lien?)

Mindy F. Levin, Ph.D.

“Rehab reprieve: Games add a little fun to recovery”

Video-game systems like the Wii take the tedium out of therapy – and deliver results

Read the article published on Monday June 14, 2010 in The Globe and Mail.

Annette Majnemer, OT, Ph.D.

“Annette Majnemer honorée par l’Association canadienne des ergothérapeutes”

Read the article published on November 2010 in Recherche en santé, 45, 22. (lien?)

Michelle McKerral, Ph.D.

“Entrevue Michelle McKerral, passionnée du cerveau!”

Read the article published on January/February 2010 in l’Actuelle, 20(3), 4-5. (lien?)

Maurice Ptito, M.D., Ph.D.

“Maurice Ptito élu à l’Académie royale du Danemark”

Read the article published on November 2010 in Recherche en santé, 45, 16. (lien?)


Two CRIR researchers at « Une pilule, une petite granule » on Télé-Québec, March 12, 2009

Broadcast #116 Télé-Québec

Frédérique Courtois

Click here to see a resume of the broadcast entitled “La sexualité des personnes handicapées”

Tony Leroux

Click here to see a resume of the broadcast entitled “Tony Leroux n’entend pas à rire avec le bruit”

Nicol Korner-Bitensky, Ph.D.

“Strategy aims to reduce crashes of older drivers”

Read the article published on February 25, 2009 in Canadian Driver.

Annie Rochette, OT, Ph.D.

“Le fauteuil roulant favorise l’intégration des personnes à mobilité réduite”

Read the article published on September 14, 2009 in Forum, 44(3);

“Les conflits familiaux, un facteur de risque pour les AVC”

Read the article in La Presse on March 4, 2009;

“Les conflits familiaux peuvent être des déclencheurs d’ACV”

Read the article published on February 23, 2009 in Forum, 43(21).


Sarah Ahmed, Ph.D., PT

“Maladies chroniques : encourager l’autogestion des soins”

Read the article published in November 2008 in Recherche en santé (FRSQ), 41, 29. (lien?)

Élisabeth Dutil, M.Sc.

“Evaluating ADL measures from an occupational therapy perspective”

Read the article published in April 2008 in Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(2), 69-81. (lien?)

Lise Poissant, Ph.D.

“L’informatique au service de la réadaptation”

Read the article published in Recherche en santé, 40(mars 2008), 28. (lien?)

Maurice Ptito, MD, Ph.D.

“Les aveugles goûtent à la vision”

Read the article published in November 2008 in Recherche en santé (FRSQ), 41, 48. (lien?)

“Voir avec la langue”

Read the article published in Les diplômés, 414 (Printemps 2008), 26-27. (lien?)

“Un prix d’excellence à Maurice Ptito”

Read the article published in Recherche en santé, 40 (Mars 2008), 12. (lien?)

Bonnie R. Swaine, Ph.D.

“Un traumatisme crânien en attire un autre”

Read the article published in November 2008 in Recherche en santé (FRSQ), 41, 47. (lien?)


Jocelyn Faubert, Ph.D.

“Les jeux vidéo sont-ils nuisibles? Ou peuvent-ils nous rendre plus intelligents?”

Read an extract of the article published in Québec sciences, décembre 2006 – janvier 2007. (Extract no longer available online.)

Patricia McKinley, Ph.D.

“Locos por el baile” [ Mad about dancing ]

Read the article published in Spain in 2007 in Sesenta y más, 260, 8-13. (Article no longer available online.)

Maurice Ptito, MD, Ph.D.

“C’est la gloire pour Maurice Ptito”

Read the article published in Forum, 41(16), 2007.


Tony Leroux, Ph.D.

“Mon ipod me rendra-t-il sourd?”

Read the article published in Forum, 41(4), 2006.

Maurice Ptito, MD, Ph.D.

“Le cerveau déteste les images antitabac sur les paquets de cigarettes”

Read the article published in Forum, 40(17), 2006 and Les diplômés, 411 (Automne 2006), 28.