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CRIR Student Committee

CRIR is very pleased to support the next generation of researchers and its student committee, which includes one student representative of Axis I and Axis 2, as well as student representatives for each of the CRIR institutions.

The 2 axis student representatives express the views of the student members of CRIR, notably on the Research Orientation Committee (COR), which meets five times a year. The student representatives lead and belong to the student committee, which organizes several activities during the year, including orientation day (new students), the general meeting of students, workshops and conferences that reflect students’ needs, along with the annual student Symposium, held in the winter. These activities are among the privileges that CRIR members enjoy.

Getting involved in the student committee is an experience that is both intellectually and professionally gratifying. It is an enriching way to participate more actively in the life of your research centre. By helping plan student activities you can optimally extend your network and cooperate with other students and researchers from various disciplines, different universities and numerous research centres affiliated with the CRIR.

If you are a student with particular needs and wish to participate in CRIR events, please do not hesitate to inform the CRIR administration.

For more information about the committee and its activities, to join the committee, or for any other questions about CRIR, please email the CRIR administration at: [email protected] or contact the CRIR student committee members directly.

The students are integrated into various research programs and the 2 CRIR research axes. Two student representatives sit on the CRIR Research Orientation Committee (COR) and on other committees on an ad hoc basis, including the Communications Committee, a COR  subcommittee:

CRIR Student Representatives by Axis

AXIS 1 — Sensory, Motor and Cognitive Functions and Activities
Jacqueline Tu Anh Thu Lam, Université de Montréal
Doctoral student in Rehabilitation Science under the supervision of Dany Gagnon
[email protected]

AXIS 2 — Participation, Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation Services
Evelina Pituch, Université de Montréal
Doctoral student in Rehabilitation Science under the supervision of Carolina Bottari
[email protected]


CRIR Student Representatives by Site

CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de montréal (IURDPM)

Gingras Pavilion
Louis-Pierre Auger
Doctoral student in Rehabilitation Science, under the supervision of Annie Rochette
[email protected]

With the collaboration of the student representative of Axis 2: Jacqueline Tu Anh Thu Lam

Zakia Hammouni (Without status designation)
Doctoral student in Environmental Design, under the supervision of Tiiu Poldma
[email protected]

Laurier Pavilion
Marylène Dionne
Doctoral student in Biomedical Sciences (Speech-Language Pathology), under the supervision of Stefano Rezzonico
[email protected]

Lindsay Pavilion
Christophe Alarie
Doctoral student in Rehabilitation Science, under the supervision of Bonnie R. Swaine
[email protected]

With the collaboration of the student representative of Axis 2: Evelina Pituch

CIUSSS west-central montreal

Lethbridge-layton-mackay Rehabilitation Centre

Constance-Lethbridge Site
Maitri Modi
Master student in Rehabilitation Science, under the supervision of Sara Ahmed
[email protected]

MAB-Mackay Site
Natalie Martiniello
Doctoral student in Vision Science, under the supervision of Walter Wittich
[email protected]

CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre

Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille

Gabrielle Aubin
Bachelor student in Cognitive Neuroscience (Neuropsychology), under the supervision of Walter Wittich
[email protected]

CISSS de Laval

Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital

Trineta Mohan Bhojwani
Master student in Rehabilitation Science, under the supervision of Anouk Lamontagne
[email protected]

Roya Khalili (Without status designation)
Doctoral student in Rehabilitation Science, under the supervision of Eva Kehayia and Marc Roig
[email protected]