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Research Lab on Families Living with a Child with Neurodevelopmental Disorder


The research conducted in this laboratory deals with the representations and perceptions that parents of a child with neurodevelopmental disorder  have of their role and the practices that they develop to play that role. A second area of study that derives from the first is the analysis of social participation of these families and their children. Thus, our research has allowed us to identify various factors that have an influence on the representations, perceptions and practices not only of the parents but also of other stakeholders from different environments (school, rehab, social, etc.) with which the child and their family interact. Qualitative methodologies are primarily used in a collaborative and participatory approach. As for data collection tools used, these vary according to target objectives of the research in question.  It may involve individual or group interviews, whether directive or open-ended, observation, etc. In the last few years, quantitative type tools (online questionnaires, surveys, etc.) have been employed; this has led to mixed methodology.


Family, children with neurodevelopmental disorders, social participation, inclusive education.

Axis and research theme

AXIS 2 – Participation, Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation Services
THEME 1 – The Person, their Entourage and the Community

Research team

France Beauregard, Ph.D.

Contact information

Research Lab on Families Living with a Child with Neurodevelopmental Disorder
Institut universitaire sur la réadaptation en déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM)
Laurier Pavilion
CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
2275, Laurier Avenue East
Montréal QC H2H 2N8