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Participation and Knowledge Translation in Childhood Disabilities (PAR-KT) Lab


At the PAR-KT Lab our research focus on promoting the RIGHTS of children with disabilities, especially the right to play, to have an active voice in decision-making, and to participate in society as a whole. We adopt a Participatory Action Research approach to conduct research in partnership with families of children with disabilities, youth, clinicians, educators, grassroots organizations and policymakers. Stakeholders are involved in identifying the important research questions and shaping the entire process of research. We also collaborate with a multidisciplinary team of researchers in health and social policy, design, technology, health economics, social work and across health professions.
We also conduct research in Knowledge Translation: we want to understand what the best methods are to conduct research that can inform families and service providers, transform health and social services, but more specifically influence policymaking that can impact the lives of children with disabilities and their families at the macro, societal level.
We are also interested in understanding how technology such as web and mobile-based Apps and websites can facilitate the spread of innovation and research-based evidence, support important health behavior changes such as engagement in leisure activities, and inform health and social policy.
Lastly, we are also conducting global health research by engaging in the United Nations reporting procedures, developing indicators for children’s rights at national and international levels, and developing partnerships, conducting projects and building capacity in countries such as Australia and Brazil.


Childhood disabilities, knowledge translation, rights, leisure, participatory research, stakeholder engagement, policy, global health, technology


Axis and research theme

AXIS 2 – Participation, Social Inclusion and Rehabilitation Services
THEME 2 – Services, Systems and Policy

Research theme

Denise Keiko Shikako-Thomas, Ph.D.


Participation and Knowledge Translation in Childhood Disabilities (PAR-KT) Lab
Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre
Mackay Site
CIUSSS West-Central Montreal
3500, Décarie Blvd
Montréal QC H4A 3J3