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2019-2020 “New Initiatives” Program

The objective of this competition is to award a grant that will encourage the formulation of a project, either for drafting a research protocol on an original problem, or for the start-up of a new research team working on an original problem. In both cases, the problem studied must emerge from a clinical setting and/or have a direct impact on the clinical setting.
The grant is not intended to support an already-formulated research project. However, part of the grant can be used to collect pilot data essential to a future research project or request for funds.

Everything else being equal, multi-site applications (i.e., research activities involving more than one CRIR research site) or inter-axis projects will be favoured.
As required, a partnerships and knowledge transfer coordinator may accompany the funded project, from start to finish, to maximize impact. CRIR will provide this support; therefore, this should not be included in the budget. Support modalities will be established later according to needs of funded teams/projects.

The maximum amount is $10,000 per projet.

Conditions for applying

1. At least three individuals, including a regular CRIR researcher and a current or emerging CRIR clinician/health care professional member, must submit the application.
Only CVs of persons who are not CRIR members must accompany the application.
Researchers may submit more than one application as Principal Investigator.
If funding is awarded, clinicians from CRIR sites involved in the research project, who are currently not members of CRIR, must apply to become a CRIR Clinician/Health care professional member. Clinicians or professionals from a non-CRIR site (a non-affiliated clinical setting, a school, a community group, an institution devoted to the arts, sports, etc.) must apply to become a CRIR Collaborator Member.

2. The application must include an email by an authorized person of the concerned clinical milieu specifying the relevance and impact of the project to the clinical setting, and the nature of the contribution by the institution (in-kind and/or financial).

3. CRIR awarded funds must cover costs incurred in conducting the project. For example, this can include costs incurred in hiring a person who supports the team (e.g., technician, engineer, database expert, research staff, etc.), a team coordinator, as well as other admissible costs pertaining to the project. The budget must be justified.

4. Researchers or clinicians intend to apply for future grants or awards.

5. Researchers and clinicians must mention CRIR in all presentations or publications linked to the project.

6. A paragraph composed of ten lines, written in plain language, to describe the main aspects of the project and outcomes (foreseen or realized) must be sent to CRIR 12 months following receipt of the award letter.

7. An activity and accountability report (maximum 2 pages and may include photos, videos and/or testimonials) must be sent to CRIR 18 months following receipt of the award letter. The Accountability Report Form available on the CRIR website must accompany the report.

Instructions for writing the application

Applicants must submit a written request of no more than 4 pages; only the budget, references and measurement tools are accepted as appendices. The project should clearly describe:
• the issue(s) investigated (and identification of the research themes of the team, if relevant)
• project objectives and milestones
• proposed methodological approach (qualitative or quantitative research)
• relevance to CRIR’s mission
• benefits for the clinical setting, and/or if applicable in other settings
• contribution and role of each member
• feasibility of the proposed project/team
• expected knowledge transfer and appropriation activities and targeted knowledge users

Applications that are incomplete or that do not respect the requested number of pages will not be evaluated.

Evaluation Grid_2019-2020