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Marie-France Coutu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, School of Rehabilitation, Université de Sherbrooke, Associate Member, CRIR

Phone: 450 463-1835 # 61797

Fax: 450 674-5237

Email: [email protected]


  • B.Sc., Psychology, UQÀM, 1995
  • M.Ps., Health Psychology, UQÀM, 2000
  • Ph.D., Health Psychology, UQÀM, 2002
  • Postdoctorate, Work Rehabilitation, Université de Sherbrooke, 2005

Research interests

Preventing work disability; work rehabilitation; musculoskeletal disorders; quality of life and distress in workers with disabilities

Recent publications

Coutu, M.F., Baril, R., Durand, M.J., Côté, D., Rouleau, A. & Cadieux, G. (2010). Transforming the meaning of pain: an important step for the return to work. Work, 35(2), 209-219.

Coutu, M.F., Durand, M.J., Baril, R., Labrecque, M.E., Côté, D. & Rouleau, A. (2008). A review of assessment tools of illness representations: are these adapted for a work disability prevention context?, Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 18(4), 347-361.

Coutu, M.F., Baril, R., Durand, M.J., Côté, D. & Rouleau, A. (2007). Representations: An important key to understanding workers’ coping behaviors during rehabilitation and the return-to-work process. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 17(3), 522-44.

Coutu, M.F., Durand, M.J., Loisel, P., Goulet, C. & Gauthier, N. (2007). Level of distress among workers undergoing work rehabilitation for musculoskeletal disorders. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 17(2), 289-303.

Moliner, C.E., Durand, M.-J., Desrosiers, J. & Coutu, M.F. (2007). Subjective quality of life according to work status following interdisciplinary work rehabilitation consequent to musculoskeletal disability. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 17(4), 667-682.

Pagoto, S.L., Spring, B., Coups, E.J., Mulvaney, S., Coutu, M.F. & Ozakinci, G. (2007). Barriers and facilitators of evidence-based practice perceived by behavioral science health professionals. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63(7), 695-705.

Research orientation

Axis 2

Research topic

Thème 1 - The person, their entourage and the community

Research Site

University Affiliation