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Isabelle Gélinas, erg., Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University;
Researcher, CRIR - Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital of the CISSS de Laval and Axis 2 and Thematic Unit 1 Leader

Phone: 450 688-9550 (637)

Fax: 450 688-3673

Email: [email protected]


  • B.Sc., Occupational Therapy, Université de Montréal, 1983
  • Certificate, Aging Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA, USA., 1985
  • M.Sc. Occupational Therapy, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA, USA, 1985
  • Ph.D., Rehabilitation Sciences, McGill University, 1995
  • Postdoctorate, CIRADE, Université de Montréal, 1998

Research interests

Lifestyle and driving; adaptation of persons with disabilities and their families.


Transports and Community Mobility, Driving Rehabilitation and Community Participation Laboratory

Recent publications

Chen, Y-T., Gélinas, I.,  Mazer, B., Myers, A.,  Vrkljan, B., Koppel, S., Charlton, JL., Marshall, S.C. (In Press 2019). Personal and clinical factors associated with older drivers’ self-awareness of driving performance. Canadian Journal on Aging.

Beaudoin, M., Lettre, J., Routhier, F., Archambault, P.S., Lemay, M. & Gélinas, I. (2019). Long-term use of the JACO robotic arm: A case series. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 14(3) 1-9.

Koppel, S., Stephens, A.N., Bédard, M., Charlton, J.L., Darzins, P., Stefano, M. D., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2019). Self-reported violations, errors and lapses for older drivers: Measuring the change in frequency of aberrant driving behaviours across five time-points. Accident: Analysis and Prevention, 123, 132-139.

McKerral, M., Moreno, J.A., Delhomme, P. & Gélinas, I. (2019). Driving behaviors 2-3 years after traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: A multicenter case-control study. Frontiers in Neurology, 10, 144.

Beaudoin, M., Lettre, J., Routhier, F., Archambault, P. S., Lemay, M. & Gélinas, I. (2018). Impacts of robotic arm use on individuals with upper extremity disabilities: A scoping review. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 85(5), 397-407.

Chen, Y.T., Gélinas, I. & Mazer, B. (2018). Determining older adults’ fitness-to-drive: Comparing the standard on-road driving evaluation and the naturalistic driving observation. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 36(1), 90-106.

Koppel, S., Charlton, J.L., Hua, P., Liu, P.Y., Pham, H., Stephan, K., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2018). Are older drivers’ driving patterns during an on-road driving task representative of their real-world driving patterns? Trafic Injury Prevention, 19(Suppl. 2), S173-S175. doi:10.1080/15389588.2018.1532219

Ogourtsova, T., Kalaba, M., Gélinas, I., Korner-Bitensky, N. & Ware, M.A. (2018). Cannabis use and driving-related performance in young recreational users: A within-subject randomized clinical trial. CMAJ Open, 6(4), E453-E462.

Sukhawathanakul, P., Porter, M.M., Naglie, G., Marshall, S.C., Rapoport, M. J., Tuokko, H., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2018). The effect of fuel prices on the driving patterns of older adults. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 56, 74-81. doi:10.1016/j.trf.2018.04.007

Vaucher, P., Choi, M., Gélinas, I., Harries, P., Margot-Cattin, I., Mazer, B., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2018). Development of the International Expert Advisory Panel on Community Health and Transport (I-CHaT) to coordinate research on transport mobility. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 81(5), 245-246.

Zafran, H., Tallant, B., Gélinas, I. & Jordan, S. (2018). The phenomenology of early psychosis elicited in an occupational therapy expressive evaluation. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 34(1), 3-31.

Koppel, S., Charlton, J.L., Richter, N., Di Stefano, M., Macdonald, W., Darzins, P., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2017). Are older drivers’ on-road driving error rates related to functional performance and/or self-reported driving experiences? Accident: Analysis and Prevention, 103, 1-9.

Lafrance, M.E., Benoit, D., Dahan-Oliel, N. & Gélinas, I. (2017). Development of a driving readiness program for adolescents and young adults with cerebral palsy and spina bifida. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 80(3), 173-182.

Levert, M.J., Lefebvre, H., Levasseur, M., Gélinas, I., McKerral, M., Roy, O. & Proulx, M. (2017). Towards a better understanding of the impact of sequelae of TBI on the social participation of seniors. Archives of Nursing Practice and Care, 3(3), 068-076.

Zafran, H., Mazer, B., Tallant, B., Chilingaryan, G. & Gélinas, I. (2017). Detecting incipient schizophrenia: A validation of the Azima battery in first episode psychosis. Psychiatric Quaterly, 88(3), 585-602.

de Cunha Belchior, P., Bains, T., Hargadon, J., Tran, S., Uphoff, C., Jade Chiu, W., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2016). Assessing functional impairment in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 4(2), 1-10 (

Demers, C., Gélinas, I. & Carret, A.S. (2016). Activities of daily living in survivors of childhood brain tumor. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70(1), 1-8.

Gagnon, S., Marshall, S., Kadulina, Y., Stinchcombe, A., Bédard, M., Gélinas, I., et al. (2016). CIHR Candrive cohort comparison with Canadian household population holding valid driver’s licenses. Canadian Journal on Aging, 35(S1), 99-109.

Gélinas, I. (2016). Le partenariat en recherche : un véhicule pour atteindre les plus hauts sommets. Revue canadienne d’ergothérapie, 83(4), E1-E12.

Gélinas, I. (2016). Partnership in research: A vehicle for reaching higher summits. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(4), 204-215.

Jouk, A., Sukhawathanakul, P., Tuokko, H., Myers, A., Naglie, G., Vrkljan, B., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2016). Psychosocial constructs as possible moderators of self-reported driving restrictions. Canadian Journal on Aging, 35(Suppl. 1), 32-43.

Kaur, N., Belchior, P., Gélinas, I. & Bier, N. (2016). Critical appraisal of questionnaires to assess functional impairment in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. International Psychogeriatrics, 28(9), 1425-1439.

Koppel, S., Charlton, J.L., Langford, J., Di Stefano, M., MacDonald, W., Vlahodimitrakou, Z., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2016). Driving task: How older drivers’ on-road driving performance relates to abilities, perceptions, and restrictions. Canadian Journal on Aging, 35(Suppl. 1), 15-31.

Levert, M.J., Lefebvre, H., Gélinas, I., McKerral, M., Roy, O. & Proulx, M. (2016). Expérience de fréquentation des lieux publics par des personnes âgées ayant subi un TCC en présence d’un accompagnateur-citoyen : projet pilote. Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 35(2), 229-241.

Mazer, B., Laliberté, M., Hunt, M., Lemoignan, J., Gélinas, I., Vrkljan, B., et al. (2016). Ethics of clinical decision-making for older drivers: Reporting health-related driving risk. Canadian Journal on Aging, 35(S1), 69-80.

Rapoport, M.J., Sukhawathanakul, P., Naglie, G., Tuokko, H., Myers, A., Crizzle, A., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2016). Cognitive performance, driving behavior, and attitudes over time in older adults. Canadian Journal on Aging, 35(S1), 81-91.

Smith, G.A., Porter, M.M., Cull, A.W., Mazer, B.L., Myers, A.M., Naglie, G., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2016). Seasonal and weather effects on older drivers’ trip distances. Canadian Journal on Aging, 35(S1), 59-68.

Tuokko, H., Sukhawathanakul, P., Walzak, L., Jouk, A., Myers, A., Marshall, S.C., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2016). Attitudes: Mediators of the relation between health and driving in older adults. Canadian Journal on Aging, 35(S1), 44-58.

Vrkljan, B., Crizzle, A., Villeneuve, S., Porter, M., Koppel, S., Mazer, B. L., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2016). Do demographics and functional abilities influence vehicle type driven by older Canadians? Canadian Journal on Aging, 35(Suppl. 1), 92-98.

Couture, M., Vincent, C. & Gélinas, I. (2015). Applicability of a new driving training protocol for post-stroke clients. Medical Research Archives, 1(3), 1-20.

Kwok, J.C.W., Gélinas, I., Benoit, D. & Chilingaryan, G. (2015). Predictive validity of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) as a screening tool for on-road driving performance. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 78(2), 100-108.

Levasseur, M., Audet, T., Gélinas, I., Bédard, M., Langlais, M. È., Therrien, F. H., et al. (2015). Awareness tool for safe and responsible driving (OSCAR): A potential educational intervention for increasing interest, openness and knowledge about the abilities required and compensatory strategies among older drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16(6), 578-586.

Porter, M.M., Smith, G.A., Cull, A.W., Myers, A.M., Bédard, M., Gélinas, I., et al.. (2015). Older driver estimates of driving exposure compared to in-vehicle data in the Candrive II study. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16(1), 24-27.

Sukhawathanakul, P., Tuokko, H., Rhodes, R.E., Marshall, S.C., Charlton, J., Koppel, S., et al., (incl. Gélinas, I.) (2015). Measuring driving-related attitudes among older adults: Psychometric evidence for the decisional balance scale across time and gender. Gerontologist, 55(6), 1068-1078.


Research orientation

Axis 2

Research topic

Thème 1 - The person, their entourage and the community

Research Site

CRIR – Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital of the CISSS de Laval

University Affiliation