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Geneviève Lizé, B.Sc., erg.

Head of Service of Research and Innovation and Service adaptation de l'information et des médias substituts (AIMS), INLB of the CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre

Phone: 450 463-1710 (409)

Email: [email protected]


  • B.Sc., Occupational Therapy, 2002
  • M.A.P., Public Administration, in process

Research interests

Car driving evaluation and vehicle adaptation; clinico-administrative process; assessment and development of organisations; knowledge transfer. Collaboration with Isabelle Gélinas, Ph.D.

Research orientation

Axis 2

Research topic

Thème 1 - The person, their entourage and the community

Research Site

CRIR – Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille of the CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre