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Mandatory Tutorial in Research Ethics

All CRIR members are required to complete a training in research ethics.

All research projects that include any of the features listed in Section 1.3 of the Regulations concerning the Creation and Operation of the Research Ethics Board (see below) must be evaluated by the CRIR Institutional Research Ethics Board (REB).

Tutorial in Research Ethics

Since June 2008, a compulsory tutorial in research ethics has been required by the FRQS. Among the changes to program regulations, it is important to mention the requirement that all CRIR members receive basic tutorial in research ethics when their research project involves human subjects.

The training offered in modules 1, 3.1 and 3.2 of the MSSS’s Tutorial in Research Ethics is now available on-line and must be taken during the course of this year. In addition, the CRIR will ask its members to maintain their knowledge of research ethics by attending continuing education in the field.

Several websites offer basic training in ethics. For this purpose, we invite you to consult the links below to access the programs that are considered adequate.

The MSSS has created an on-line training program that integrates theory and practice in the field of research ethics involving human subjects. Although this training course is intended for research ethics committee members and their support staff, it is also accessible to researchers and anybody interested in research ethics. This training course can be accessed at the following address:

The second on-line training program is the Federal Government’s Tri-Council Policy Statement Tutorial. It can be accessed at the following address:

As soon as you have completed the tutorial and printed your certificate of completion, we ask you to send it to us by email at [email protected].

We wish you all a rewarding training session!

Regulations concerning the Creation and Operation of the Research Ethics Board (REB) of CRIR institutions

Section 1.3 – The REB’s jurisdiction lies in its right and duty to render decisions on research projects involving human subjects. The REB reviews each research project involving human subjects conducted by CRIR institutions that feature one of the following characteristics:

  • the project will be at least partially conducted in the institution;
  • the subjects will be recruited from users of the institution or from records kept by the institution;
  • sponsors or researchers imply or suggest institutional involvement;
  • sponsors or researchers imply or suggest their affiliation to the institution;
  • the project will use the institution’s human, material or financial resources;
  • the project will use personal information contained in records that are in the possession of the institution.