What’s New?

RESULTS – 2018-2019 New Initiatives Program

30 May 2019

Ten excellent projects were submitted to the 2018-2019 New Initiatives Program! Congratulations to the researchers and the clinical teams that received funding from CRIR and the Fondation En Vue – Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille of the CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre, for their project. Results 2018-2019 


1 May 2019

Le CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal participe au développement des connaissances scientifiques en réadaptation en vertu de son partenariat avec le Pôle universitaire en réadaptation (PUR) et le Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR), affilié à l’Université McGill,…
Read more about CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – Institutional Researcher (Ph.D.) CRIR-LLMRC CIUSSS WCM

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – Physiotherapist or Rehabilitation Technician or Highly Qualified Professional in Health Sciences or Physical Activities

16 April 2019

A new opportunity is available for a physiotherapist or rehabilitation technician or highly qualified professional in health sciences or physical activities to join a research team interested in the implementation and evaluation of a locomotor training program, for people with sensorimotor disabilities,…
Read more about CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – Physiotherapist or Rehabilitation Technician or Highly Qualified Professional in Health Sciences or Physical Activities

Appointment at the Research Ethics Board (REB) of CRIR Institutions

4 April 2019

Mariama Touré, M.Sc. Planification, Program and Research Agent Direction de l’enseignement universitaire et de la recherche (DEUR) CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal Research Ethics Board of CRIR Institutions Interim Coordinator Contact information: [email protected] T 514 527-9565 (3789) https://crir.ekloweb.com/en/ethics/the-research-ethics-board-reb-in-brief/ Nomination Mariama Touré – See…
Read more about Appointment at the Research Ethics Board (REB) of CRIR Institutions

L’AVC, la fatigue, ma vie – Documentary

12 March 2019

Documentary on the effects of fatigue after stroke and the strategies to cope with it daily. In collaboration with Annie Rochette, Axis 2. View the documentary: (40 minutes) in French