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Frequently asked questions

What is CRIR?

The acronym CRIR stands for Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal. CRIR is a research centre that specializes in several disciplines, hence its name as an interdisciplinary research center. CRIR researchers are experts in more than fifteen disciplines (from anthropology and interior design to social services, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, epidemiology and psychology).

Who directs CRIR?

The PUR Board of Directors directs CRIR’s activities. The scientific direction is provided by Bonnie R. Swaine, Professor in the Physical Therapy Program of the Rehabilitation School of the Université de Montréal and Eva Kehayia, Associate Professor at the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy at McGill University.

What is CRIR’s mission?

CRIR’s mission is to optimize the functional capacity, performance, participation and social inclusion of people living with physical disabilities through research in the domains of biomedical and psychosocial rehabilitation.

What are the research axes?

Axis 1: Sensory, motor and cognitive functions and activities.

Axis 2: Participation, social inclusion and rehabilitation services.

These two axes are divided into two themes.

For more information, see Axes and Thematic Units.

What are the research themes

Axis 1 focuses on sensory, motor and cognitive functions and activities and is organized around two themes: functional mechanisms, and physical and cognitive activities.

Axis 2 focuses on participation, social inclusion and rehabilitation services and is organized around two themes: the person, their entourage and the community, and services, systems and policies.

For more information, see Axes and Thematic Units.

How do you become a member of CRIR?

Researchers or clinician/health care professional members

To become a regular or associate researcher, or a clinician/health care professional member of CRIR, the candidate must submit an application to the scientific direction indicating his or her interest in habilitation/rehabilitation research, the time he/she wishes to devote to research at CRIR, and a curriculum vitae. Candidates should refer to the Becoming a Member section to access the application or renewal form.


Any student enrolled in an affiliated university in a graduate research program, or postdoctoral fellow who carries out research work at CRIR under the direction or supervision of a CRIR regular researcher becomes a student member. Students can refer to the Becoming a Member section for more details and to access the application form

Est-ce que le CRIR organise des conférences ?

CRIR organizes and participates in various conferences or congresses throughout the year. To check the calendar of events, see the Events section.

How can I track CRIR projects and activities?

You can check the What’s New section regularly on our website

Can I participate in CRIR research?

CRIR researchers regularly recruit participants for research projects. You can consult the Participating in Research section of our website to find out more about current studies.

How can I contact CRIR?

Via the Contact Us page