5 June 2019

2019 Knowledge Transfer Summer School

Deadline to deposit application: postponed until April 12, 2019 Deposit of application:  https://goo.gl/forms/0PBLi8706nD6H4fA3 Limited number of participants and teaching in French. Find out more about the event

5 June 2019

Droit d’auteur en contexte d’intervention : bonnes pratiques, bons outils

Catherine Houtekier, M.Sc. (information) CRIR—Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre VISIOCONFERENCE AVAILABLE To assist by visioconference, please send the name of your establishment, your visioconference room and your IP address to Josée Duquette at [email protected] or at 450 463-1710 (392). Pre-test…
Read more about Droit d’auteur en contexte d’intervention : bonnes pratiques, bons outils

4 June 2019

Personalized synthetic speech for assistive communication

Rupal Patel, Ph.D., CCC-SLP College of Computer & Information Science and Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Northeastern University and VocaliD Inc. VISIOCONFERENCE AVAILABLE To assist by visioconference, please register on IRIS #1796570 or contact Pascaline Kengne Talla at [email protected] or 514 284-2214 (3715). Find out more…
Read more about Personalized synthetic speech for assistive communication

29 May 2019

Implant rétinien Argus II, réadaptation et hallucinations visuelles liées au syndrome de Charles Bonnet : étude de cas

Vincent Moore, O.D., FAAO Marie Courchesne, psy., M.Sc. Mathieu Carignan, erg., M.Sc. CRIR—Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre VISIOCONFERENCE AVAILABLE To assist by visioconference, please send the name of your establishment, your visioconference room and the IP address…
Read more about Implant rétinien Argus II, réadaptation et hallucinations visuelles liées au syndrome de Charles Bonnet : étude de cas

16 May 2019

17th CRIR Assembly of Full Members

Save the date… and confirm your presence before April 16, 2019 ([email protected]) A warm lunch will be served. More information will follow around mid-April along with the agenda and the minutes from the last meeting.

15 May 2019

Intégration multisensorielle chez les porteurs d’implants cochléaires

Alexandre Lehmann, M.Eng., Ph.D. Faculty of medicine and Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBLM), McGill University DEpartment of psychology, Université de Montréal VISIOCONFERENCE AVAILABLE To assist by visioconference, please register on IRIS #1581665 or contact Pascaline Kengne Talla at [email protected] or 514 284-2214…
Read more about Intégration multisensorielle chez les porteurs d’implants cochléaires

8 May 2019

Trajectoires de participation sociale des personnes ayant subi un TCC et recevant des services de réadaptation : le projet MPAI-4

Michelle McKerral, Ph.D. and Marie-Claude Guerrette, Ph.D. candidate Department of Psychology, UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL CRIR—IURDPM of the CIUSSS DU CENTRE-SUD-DE-L’ÎLE-DE-MONTRÉAL VISIOCONFERENCE AVAILABLE To assist by visioconference, please register on IRIS # 1631994 or contact Pascaline KengneTalla at [email protected] or at 514 527-4527 # 3715….
Read more about Trajectoires de participation sociale des personnes ayant subi un TCC et recevant des services de réadaptation : le projet MPAI-4

25 April 2019

Neuro-rééducation de la négligence spatiale

Arnaud Saj, Ph.D., neuropsychologist Department of Psychology, Université de Montréal VISIOCONFERENCE AVAILABLE To assist by visioconference, please register on IRIS #1640140 or contact Pascaline Kengne Talla at [email protected] or 514 284-2214 (3715). Find out more about the event