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2019 CRIR Students Orientation Day and General Assembly

When: 3 October 2019 08:30

Bilingual Program (pdf)

This morning organized for and by CRIR students, allows you to know how the CRIR works, to discover the various research sites, to meet the people who are part of this great CRIR team and, for the first time, to hear the CRIR research team talk to you money as part of a round table.

Theme: “Let’s Talk About Money: Funding your Graduate Studies and your Research Projects” 

  • When: Thursday October 3, 2019 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Where : McGill University, Davis House Pavilion (1st Floor – Room D3),
    3654, Prom. Sir William-Osler, Montréal QC H3G 1Y5
  • Registration mandatory before Wednesday September 25, 2019 with the on-line form
    A lunch will be provided by CRIR to all registered participants by the specified deadline.


  • Opening remarks from the CRIR scientific directors
    Eva Kehayia, Ph.D. and Bonnie Swaine, Ph.D.
  • Presentation of the CRIR student committee by the student representatives:
    Evelina Pituch and Jacqueline Tu Anh Thu Lam.
  • Presentation of the CRIR’s Research Ethics Board
    Mariama Touré, REB Coordinator
  • Lived experiences: Two representatives of the student committee will explain how to make the most of the professional opportunities that arise in order to fund your graduate studies and how the CRIR network contributes to it. An emphasis will be placed on scholarship applications and how to present the CRIR in them.
    Christophe Alarie, M.Sc. kin. and Louis-Pierre Auger, M.Sc. erg.
  • Q & A period to help you better understand the role of CRIR in your daily research life and to discover new opportunities, ongoing projects and funding opportunities within the CRIR!
  • Round Table –
    “Let’s Talk About Money – Everything you have always wanted to know (without ever daring to ask)”

    Invited lecturers:
    Carolina Bottari, erg., Ph.D.: CRIR Axis 2 thematic unit 2 Leader and Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation, Université de Montréal.
    Johanne Higgins, erg., Ph.D.: CRIR Axis 1 thematic unit 1 Leader and and Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation, Université de Montréal.
    Eva Kehayia, Ph.D.: CRIR Scientific Co-director and Associate Professor, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University.
    Bonnie Swaine, PT, Ph.D.: CRIR Scientific Co-director and Professor, School of Rehabilitation, Université de Montréal.
  • Annual General Assembly
    We will also take advantage of this Day to hold our AGA during which we will have the opportunity to discuss projects for the coming year and themes of the next Student Colloquium, which will take place as part of CRIR’s 20th anniversary. We are counting on your presence to share your ideas and opinions for what will surely be an exciting event!Whether you are in your first year or at the end of your program, this Orientation Day is for you!
    Note that support will be provided to facilitate the understanding of Anglophone and Francophone students.Your student committee: Jacqueline Lam, Evelina Pituch, Christophe Alarie, Gabrielle Aubin, Louis-Pierre Auger, Trineta Bhojwani, Marylène Dionne, Zakia Hammouni, Natalie Martiniello, Maitri Modi, Roya Khalili