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CRIR Student Workshop – “Creating, Accessible Documents, Presentation and Communications: Practical Skills for Inclusion”

When: 24 January 2019 10:00 to 24 January 2019 12:00

Where: Université de Montréal
School of Optometry
3744, Jean-Brillant Street
Room Claude-Beaulne (#6450)
Montréal QC H3T 1P1

  • How do you know whether your documents, forms, PowerPoints and other written communications are accessible to your colleagues, clients and students with disabilities? Whether you are working as a researcher or clinician, consideration of accessibility – and possessing a basic understanding of what that entails – is essential and will become more so in future years.
  • What can you do to easily maximize the accessibility of these written communications? What is the difference between “usability” and “accessibility” of information? What are your responsibilities as a professional or organization? How can you easily improve inclusion and accessibility of your oral and poster presentations? When referring a client to a website or designing a webpage for your research project, what are the established web accessibility guidelines you can turn to as a reference?

This workshop will be led by Natalie Martiniello. She is a Certified Vision Rehabilitation Therapist and Ph.D Candidate in Vision Science (Visual Impairment and Rehabilitation) at the Université de Montréal, under the supervision of Walter Wittich, Ph.D. In addition to her first-hand experience as a blind individual, she brings expertise in the area of information accessibility. Participants will also be provided with supplementary handouts outlining step-by-step instructions on how to identify and create the accessible communications discussed.

Please notify us about any food requirements you may have by completing the enclosed registration form by Friday, January 18, 2019.

  • This workshop is open to all (students, researchers and clinical members) but space will be limited to 25 participants. You must register in advance.
  • The presentation will be in English but questions in French are welcome.
  • Light snack will be served.

Please notify us about any food requirements you may have by completing the enclosed registration form by Friday, January 18, 2019.