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CRIR Student Wokshop – “The postdoctoral experience: Tips and strategies for planning ahead”

When: 6 December 2018 17:00 to 6 December 2018 19:00

Where: McGill University
Hosmer House, Room 102
3630, promenade Sir William-Osler
Montréal QC H3G 1Y5

Our guest speaker is Marie-Christine Hallé, M.P.O., Ph.D., a speech-language pathologist and a postdoctoral fellow in knowledge translation at McGill University, working under the supervision of Aliki Thomas, Ph.D., CRIR–Axis 2 and André Bussières, Ph.D., CRIR–Axis 2. Her current research projects aim to better understand how to promote the uptake of evidence-based practice and clinical practice guidelines among rehabilitation professionals, from the educational to the clinical setting. In this workshop, she will cover topics such as reasons to pursue a post-doctorate, practical tips to prepare a post-doctoral fellowship and will also share her personal experiences and thoughts on this research process.

Registration mandatory
To attend this workshop, you must confirm your presence. A pizza dinner will be graciously offered.
Please confirm your presence and indicate if you have any dietary restrictions, using the following form, before Tuesday December 4, 2018:

The workshop will be offered in French, but we encourage you to interact or ask questions in French or English.