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Joyce Fung, Ph.D.

Professeure agrégée, École de physiothérapie et d'ergothérapie, Université McGill,
Chercheure régulière, CRIR–Hôpital juif de réadaptation du CISSS de Laval

Téléphone : 450 688-9550 (529)

Télécopieur : 450 688-3673

Courriel : [email protected]


  • B.Sc., physiothérapie, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, Chine, 1982
  • Ph.D., sciences de la réadaptation, Université McGill, 1992
  • Postdoctorat, neuroscience et contrôle du mouvement, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland OR, USA, 1992-94
  • Postdoctorat, neuroscience et réadaptation, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland OR, USA, 1995

Intérêts de recherche

Équilibre et marche, mécanismes d’adaptation aux perturbations, hémiparésie, contrôle de la posture

Laboratoire de recherche

Contrôle sensorimoteur de l’équilibre et réadaptation locomotrice

Publications récentes

Larivière, C., Butler, H., Sullivan, M.J.L. & Fung, J. (2013). An exploratory study on the effect of pain interference and attentional interference on neuromuscular responses during rapid arm flexion movements. Clinical Journal of Pain, 29(3), 265-275.

MacLellan, M. J., Richards, C. L., Fung, J., & McFadyen, B. J. (2013). Use of segmental coordination analysis of non-paretic and paretic limbs during obstacle clearance in community dwelling persons post stroke. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 5(5), 381-391.

Berard, J., Fung, J. & Lamontagne, A. (2012). Impact of aging on visual reweighting during locomotion. Clinical Neurophysiologiy, 123(7), 1422-1428.

Norouzi-Gheidari, N., Archambault, P.S. & Fung, J. (2012). Effects of robot-assisted therapy on stroke rehabilitation in upper limbs: Systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 49(4), 479-496.

Berard, J. R., Fung, J. & Lamontagne, A. (2011). Evidence for the use of rotational optic flow cues for locomotor steering in healthy older adults. Journal of Neurophysiology, 106(3), 1089-1096.

Dannenbaum, E., Chilingaryan, G. & Fung, J. (2011). Visual vertigo analogue scale: An assessment questionnaire for visual vertigo. Journal of Vestibular Research, 21(3), 153-159.

Fuller, J.R., Fung, J. & Côté, J.N. (2011). Time-dependent adaptations to posture and movement characteristics during the development of repetitive reaching induced fatigue. Experimental Brain Research, 211(1), 133-143.

Paquette, C. & Fung, J. (2011). Old age affects gaze and postural coordination. Gait & Posture, 33(2), 227-232.

Perez, C. & Fung, J. (2011). An instrumented cane devised for gait rehabilitation and research. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 25(1), 37-41.

St-Onge, N., Côté, J.N., Preuss, R., Patenaude, I. & Fung, J. (2011). Direction-dependent neck and trunk postural reactions during sitting. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 21(6), 904-912.

Thompson, C., Bélanger, M. & Fung, J. (2011). Effects of plantar cutaneo-muscular and tendon vibration on posture and balance during quiet and perturbed stance. Human Movement Science, 30(2), 153-171.

Bugnariu, N., & Fung, J. (2010). Virtual environments and sensory integration: Effects of aging and stroke / Environnement virtuel et intégration sensorielle : effets du vieillissement et de l’accident vasculaire cérébral. In F. G. Lestienne (Ed.), Rehabilitation : The contribution of virtual reality / Rééducation : contribution de la réalité virtuelle (pp. 59-76). Caen, France: PUC.

Kizony, R., Levin, M.F., Hughey, L., Perez, C. & Fung, J. (2010). Cognitive load and dual-task performance during locomotion poststroke: A feasibility study using a functional virtual environment. Physical Therapy, 90(2), 252-260.

Lamontagne, A., Fung, J., McFadyen, B.M., Faubert, J. & Paquette, C. (2010). Stroke affects locomotor steering responses to changing optic flow directions. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 24(5), 457-468.

Berard, J.R., Fung, J., McFadyen, B.J. & Lamontagne, A. (2009). Aging affects the ability to use optic flow in the control of heading during locomotion. Experimental Brain Research, 194(2), 183-190.

Côté, J., Patenaude, I., St-Onge, N. & Fung, J. (2009). Whiplash-associated disorders affect postural reactions to antero-posterior support surface translations during sitting. Gait & Posture, 29(4), 603-611.

Dannenbaum, E., Chilingaryan, G. & Fung, J. (2009). Effect of testing position on Dynamic Visual Acuity. Journal of Otolaryngology, 37(6), 875-881.

Dannenbaum, E., Paquet, N., Chilingaryan, G. & Fung, J. (2009). Clinical evaluation of dynamic visual acuity in subjects with unilateral vestibular hypofunction. Otology & Neurotology, 30(3), 368-372.

Fuller, J.R., Lomond, K.V., Fung, J. & Côté, J.N. (2009). Posture-movement changes following repetitive motion-induced shoulder muscle fatigue. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 19(6), 1043-1052.

Lamontagne, A. & Fung, J. (2009). Gaze and postural reorientation in the control of locomotor steering after stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 23(3), 256-266.

McKinley, P.A., Jacobson, A., Fung, J., Leroux, A. & Rainville, C. (2009). L’utilisation du tango argentin chez les personnes âgées dites à risque pour l’amélioration de l’équilibre, de l’attention et de la socialisation (Chapitre 9). In F. Joyal (Ed.), Tango corps à corps culturel. Danser en tandem pour mieux vivre (pp. 173-184). Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec.

St-Onge, N., Côté, J.N., Patenaude, I. & Fung, J. (2009). A paradigm to assess postural responses triggered by anteroposterior translations in healthy seated individuals. Gait & Posture, 30(4), 417-423.

Gérin-Lajoie, M., Richards, C.L., Fung, J. & McFadyen, B.J. (2008). Characteristics of personal space during obstacle circumvention in physical and virtual environments. Gait & Posture, 27(2), 239-247.

McKinley, P.A., Jacobson, A., Leroux, A., Bednarcyzk, V., Rossignol, M. & Fung, J. (2008). Effect of a community-based Argentine tango dance program on functional balance and confidence in older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 16(4), 435-453.

Preuss, R. & Fung, J. (2008). Musculature and biomechanics of the trunk in the maintenance of upright posture. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 18(5), 815-828.

Sarre, G., Berard, J., Fung, J. & Lamontagne, A. (2008). Steering behaviour can be modulated by different optic flows during walking. Neuroscience Letters, 436(2), 96-101.

Bugnariu, N. & Fung, J. (2007). Aging and selective sensorimotor strategies in the regulation of upright balance. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 4, 19.

Lamontagne, A., Fung, J., McFadyen, B.J. & Faubert, J. (2007). Modulation of walking speed by changing optic flow in persons with stroke. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 4, 22.

Lamontagne, A., Paquette, C. & Fung, J. (2007). Stroke affects the coordination of gaze and posture during preplanned turns while walking. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 21(1), 62-67.

Lamontagne, A., Stephenson, J.L. & Fung, J. (2007). Physiological evaluation of gait disturbances post stroke. Clinical Neurophysiology, 118(4), 717-729.

Paquette, C. & Fung, J. (2007). Temporal facilitation of gaze in the presence of postural reactions triggered by sudden surface perturbations. Neuroscience, 145(2), 505-519.

Thompson, C., Bélanger, M. & Fung, J. (2007). Effects of bilateral Achilles tendon vibration on postural orientation and balance during standing. Clinical Neurophysiology, 118(11), 2456-2467.

Fung, J., Richards, C.L., Malouin, F., McFadyen, B.J. & Lamontagne, A. (2006). A treadmill and motion coupled virtual reality system for gait training post-stroke. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 9(2), 157-162.

Kairy, D., Paquet, N. & Fung, J. (2006). Un test d’adaptation posturale pour les patients ayant subi un AVC : fidélité et validité préliminaire. Physio Québec, 31(3), 18-20.

Leroux, A., Fung, J. & Barbeau, H. (2006). Postural adaptation to walking on inclined surfaces: II. Strategies following spinal cord injury. Clinical Neurophysiology, 117(6), 1273-1282.

Paquet, N., Dannenbaum, E., Hakim-Zadeh, R. & Fung, J. (2006). Effects of fast head turns on head, trunk and pelvis motions during standing and walking in patients with unilateral vestibular deficit. Journal of Vestibular Research, 16(6), 279-284.

Paquette, C., Paquet, N. & Fung, J. (2006). Aging affects coordination of rapid head motions with trunk and pelvis movements during standing and walking. Gait and Posture, 24(1), 62-69.

Stein, R.B., Chong, S., Everaert, D.G., Rolf, R., Thompson, A.K., Whittaker, M., Robertson, J., Fung, J., Preuss, R., Momose, K. & Ihashi, K (2006). A multicenter trial of a footdrop stimulator controlled by a tilt sensor. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 20(3), 371-379.

Ustinova, K.I., Fung, J. & Levin, M.F. (2006). Disruption of bilateral temporal coordination during arm swinging in patients with hemiparesis. Experimental Brain Research, 169(2), 194-207.

Axe de recherche

Axe 1

Thème de recherche

Thème 2 - Activités physiques et cognitives

Site de recherche

CRIR – Hôpital juif de réadaptation du CISSS de Laval

Affiliation universitaire