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Joelle Pineau, Ph.D.

Professeure agrégée, École d'informatique, Université McGill, Chercheure associée, CRIR

Téléphone : 514 398-5432

Télécopieur : 514 398-3883

Courriel : [email protected]


  • B.Sc., Systems Design Engineering, Waterloo University, Waterloo ON, 1998
  • M.Sc., robotique, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg PA, USA, 2001
  • Ph.D., robotique, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg PA, USA, 2003

Intérêts de recherche

Intelligence artificielle; robotique assistive

Collaboration avec Robert Forget

Publications récentes

Frank, J., Mannor, S., Pineau, J. & Precup, D. (Sous presse 2012). Time Series Analysis Using Geometric Template Matching. Transactions on Pattern Matching and Machine Intelligence (PAMI).

Moghaddam, A. K., Pineau, J., Frank, J., Archambault, P.S., Routhier, F., Audet, T., Polgar, J., Michaud, F. & Boissy, P. (2011). Mobility Profile and Wheelchair Driving Skills of Powered Wheelchair Users: Sensor-Based Event Recognition Using a Support Vector Machine Classifier. 33rd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, 7336-7339.

Bush, K., Panuccio, G., Avoli, M. & Pineau, J. (2012). Evidence-based modeling of network discharge dynamics during periodic pacing to control epileptiform activity. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 204(2), 318-325.

Shortreed, S.M., Laber, E., Lizotte, D.J., Stroup, S., Pineau, J. & Murphy, S. (2011). Informing sequential clinical decision-making through reinforcement learning: an empirical study. Machine Learning, 84(1), 109-136.

Vincent, R.D., Courville, A. & Pineau, J. (2011) A bistable computational model of recurring epileptiform activity as observed in rodent slice preparation. Neural Networks, 24(6), 526-537.

Pineau, J., Guez, A., Vincent, R., Panuccio, G. & Avoli, M. (2009). Treating epilepsy via adaptive neurostimulation: A reinforcement learning approach. International Journal of Neural Systems, 19(4), 227-240.

Fard, M.M. & Pineau, J. (2008). MDPs with Non-Deterministic Policies. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS-21), 21, 1065-1073.

Ross, S., Pineau, J., Paquet, S. & Chaib-draa, B. (2008). Online Planning Algorithms for POMDPs. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 32(2), 663-704.

Ross, S., Pineau, J. & Chaib-draa, B. (2007). Theoretical Analysis of Heuristic Search Methods for Online POMDPs, Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS-20), 20, 1216-1225.

Fard, M.M., Pineau, J. & Sun, P. (2008). A Variance Analysis for POMDP Policy Evaluation. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2, 1056-1061.

Doshi, F., Pineau, J. & Roy, N. (2008). Reinforcement learning with limited reinforcement: Using Bayes risk for active learning in POMDPs. Proceedings of the twenty-fifth international conference on Machine learning, 301, 256-263.

Pineau, J., Bellemare, M.G., Rush, A.J., Ghizaru, A. & Murphy, S.A. (2007). Constructing evidence-based treatment strategies using methods from computer science. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 88(suppl 3), 52-60.

Axe de recherche

Axe 1

Thème de recherche

Thème 2 - Activités physiques et cognitives

Site de recherche

Affiliation universitaire